Sunday, October 30, 2011


As I will be graduating in 21 days, I believe it is time to find some new hobbies. Without school, I generally feel listless and tend to spend many hours over analyzing and worrying about everything. As a preemptive strike, I took up knitting! I don't like watching tv, etc., without doing something to keep my hands busy and my brain sharp. Last night I mastered casting on with a long tail and the basic knit stitch. I'm going to start working on the Purl stitch tonight! :) Trying to decide what my first project should be! I really want some chunky, chunky yarn! :D

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Ah, time flies!

My stinkbug is growing up! He has officially started trying to roll over. He doesn't have the momentum to quite make it as of yet, though. If he could talk (and he's also trying that!), he would probably use the excuse that his cloth diapers make it harder for him. Poor little guy. ;) He's been busy doing so much growing and developing; I am such a proud mama. I know it's silly, but I'm pretty darn sure he is the smartest baby ever! He also figured out how to get toys in his mouth. No stuffed animal will ever be safe again! In other news, I only have 4 weeks left of class! Then, I will order my diploma! :D

Monday, October 10, 2011

Two perfect years...

Tuesday is our anniversary. We were married October 11, 2009. We will have been married for two perfect years. In that time, we have rented an apartment, then bought a house, gotten two puppies (who are now two well-behaved dogs), bought a car, and had a baby. I am so thankful that God brought my husband into my life. He saved me from the mess I was in and reminded me that I was worthy of love--both his and God's. I will forever know God loves me because He blessed me with my husband.

Even though it is still two days from our anniversary, we have already opened our presents. We are such kids and can't help ourselves. Wanna see my present? (Knows that, of course, the answer is yes!)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Maternal? What?

I'm finally to that point. You know the soon as you are pregnant, every person you know tells you that "you'll love that baby more than you ever thought possible" and "you'll be perfectly content to spend hours just watching that little face." (We'll get to the "you'll never sleep, shower, have sex, etc.," later) I knew everyone claimed this, but I am so not the maternal type. I've never liked babysitting; I don't love shopping for baby clothes; my ideal day is not spent feeding and changing a little face and a little bottom get the idea. My husband and I tried to get pregnant for quite a while, yet when I got pregnant, I had a royal freakout. My brain went a million different directions--wherewillhegotoschool, whatwillweclothehimin, whowillbabysitwhileidomyschoolwork, wherewilliwork, whatcollegewilleheattend--that is basically the chaos that ensued. Even after he was born, I stared at him in a strange sort of disconnected awe. How the heck did that little guy happen? What did I do right, or possibly wrong, to deserve him? After the hormone dump faded and I've had time to adjust to the mindboggling changes that having a baby brings, I am at that point. I love that baby more than I could have ever dreamed possible, and I could spend hours just staring at that perfect and hilarious little face. Every quirk of his eyebrows amazes me as he learns about this world and all of the strange people in it (like the one constantly staring at him...). He can bring me from tears of worry at the littlest sniffle or the fever I'm "sure" he has to smiles and giggles at his antics in mere seconds. I love that little guy and the guy who helped me make him more than anything in this world. I may not be the maternal type, but I love being maternal with this baby. I guess I've passed beyond the mom stage to the official "mommy" stage.